Tribute Wall
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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Ioana Dragalina Tudoriu
Catherine Levins posted a condolence
Monday, September 4, 2023
Johanna you were a wonderful neighbor to us when we lived at 84 Sterling Ave. You worked so hard for your family and never asked for help. You were always so kind to our children Sean, Ryan & Emma, but especially kind to our dog Bear. May you rest in eternal peace,
God Bless,
Paul, Catherine, Sean, Ryan & Emma Levins
Opritsa Dragalina-Popa posted a condolence
Sunday, September 3, 2023
To say I loved you, would sound paltry. To say I adored you -- far too trivial. How can one love, adore one own's heart? We were and are "ONE". And we will remain ONE forever! Here and in Heaven.
Sa spun ca te-am iubit ar fi saracacios! Sa spun ca te-am adorat - trivial! Fiindca nu-ti poti adora, iubi propriul suflet. Am fost si vom fi impreuna, un suflet si un trup! Si vom ramane astfel be veci, in lumea asta si in ceruri!
Yours always and forever, Opritsa #1 - The other (and first) Potica
opritsa tudoriu uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, September 3, 2023

My sweet mama,
A world without you in it seems so strange. You were so adventurous and whatever you wanted in life, you were able to create. Thank you for showing me how to be strong, courageous, caring, and compassionate. You were a brave fighter until the end.
I will love you forever, my sweet mama.
Your Potica mica.
Draga mea mama,
O lume fără tine în ea pare atât de ciudată. Ai fost atât de aventuros și orice ți-ai dorit în viață, ai putut să creezi. Îți mulțumesc că mi-ai arătat cum să fiu puternic, curajos, grijuliu și plin de compasiune. Ai fost un luptător curajos până la sfârșit.
Te voi iubi pentru totdeauna, draga mea mama.
Mica ta Potica
Mihai Cantuniari posted a condolence
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Uite, Ioana, m-ai facut sa plang.
Este unica data cand tu faci oameni sa planga. De dragoste si regret.
Mihai Cantuniari posted a condolence
Saturday, September 2, 2023
Ioana din adolescenta noastra indepartata...
Ioana de la Lacul Tei...
Ioana cu Mama si cu Opritsa...
Imi lipsesti, Ioana...
Mihai Cantuniari.
Ioana Groza posted a condolence
Friday, September 1, 2023
Ioana noastra draga,
Nu ne vine sa credem ca ai plecat! Ca nu vom mai primi lumina, energia, dorinta ta molipsitoare de bine copiilor tai, familiei, prietenilor si cunostintelor. Iubirea de neam si patrie pe care tu ai raspandit-o neincetat celor de aproape si de departe ne este o pilda, un exemplu viu pe care sa-l urmam.
Dumnezeu Te-a iubit si Te-a chemat la El. Ne rugam pentru odihna ta vesnica!
Horia si Ioana Groza

A Memorial Tree was planted for Ioana Dragalina Tudoriu
Thursday, August 31, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Sinatra Memorial Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Sinatra Memorial Home
499 Yonkers Avenue Yonkers, New York
Tel: (914) 963-5263
Sinatra Memorial Home
315 South Broadway
Yonkers, New York
Tel: (914) 963-5263
262 E. Main Street
Mt. Kisco, New York
Tel: (914) 666-5891
Hastings Funeral Home
15 Spring Street
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York
Tel: (914) 478-0600
601 Yonkers Avenue
Yonkers, New York
Tel: (914) 751-1199