Tuesday, July 9, 2013
No brother could love you more than I.
I cannot remember a time in my life when I did not know you and it is difficult to think of a world without you in it.
To me you were, are and will be larger than life and that life contained the warmest and largest heart I've have ever known. It is our secret that your exterior kept it hidden so well.
You, Mom and Dad have left me to carry our memories onward and I'll will do all in my power to do so because they are so precious to me.
While my heart beats, I will carry our brotherly love and proudly call you my best friend.
Mommy once told me that I came into this world so we could be companions and you and I could take care of one another as we went through life. You have done that and much more.
I know you have once again gone forward before me to watch over and guide me.
Again I will say, no one could love a brother more and you will be remembered all the days of my life.